“Deb pours herself into everything she does. Deb was a wrestling booster well after her son graduated. In her three years on the council, she has talked to hundreds of residents, and tackled the issues of our time -the environment, workforce housing goals, supporting our businesses through the pandemic and ensuring public services serve everyone equitably.
I am proud to support her reelection to the Minnetonka City Council.”
Derrick Agate Sr.

“Today, I can confidently state that with three more years of experience, Deb Calvert is even more qualified to lead Minnetonka from her seat on the City Council. Over these past three years, Deb has shown again and again that the way to a brighter and more fiscally sensible future is by applying passion and intelligence to find solutions to everyday problems like fiscally responsibly repairing our infrastructure. And after facing issues such as these, Deb still has ample energy to tackle environmental and natural resources concerns that trouble and concern every Minnetonkan from every walk of life and from every generation.”
“Deb has demonstrated the ability to focus on both the big picture of Minnetonka’s vision and the nuts-and-bolts decision-making that is also part of a councilmember’s job. She has shown the capacity–crucial for the at-large role–to do the hard work of being active across our community in order to listen to a broad cross-section of residents. And she has developed the experience and expertise required to make thoughtful and informed decisions. Please join me in supporting Deb’s re-election. Her voice will be an asset on the Council over the next four years.”
Jan Callison

“As a former local school board member, I have worked directly with Deb Calvert on many important issues facing our schools and local community. I have always appreciated the energy, professionalism, and passion she has demonstrated throughout the many years she has lived in and supported our community. Deb has always been willing to engage in positive conversations and share her viewpoints in an open and honest dialog. Please join me in supporting Deb Calvert for reelection to the Minnetonka City Council.”
“I am pleased to endorse Deb Calvert and here’s why. Deb Calvert knows what matters. She meets residents where they are. She knocks on doors and shows up for important conversations. She amplifies the resident voice. Deb Calvert studies the issues and does the work. She is always prepared. Deb Calvert stands on her accomplishments always moving our city forward.
Minnetonka needs thoughtful, positive, unifying leadership – now more than ever. I’m voting for Deb.”

Amy Klobuchar, US senator
Patty Acomb, State Representative, House District 44B
Steve Adams, Hopkins School Board
Karen Anderson, Former Mayor of Minnetonka, Former President, National League of Cities
Marc Asch, Former State Representative
Ron Case, Mayor of Eden Prairie
Derrick Banks, Minnetonka Planning Commission
John Benson, Former State Representative
Jan Callison, Former Hennepin County Commissioner, Former Mayor of Minnetonka
Susan Carter, Minnetonka City Council at Large Seat B
Steve Cwodzinski, State Senator, Senate District 48
Maram Falk, Minnetonka Economic Development Advisory Commission
Matt Henry, Minnetonka Planning Commission/Sustainability
Tanya Khan, Hopkins School Board
Harapanahalli Muralidhara, Minnetonka Sustainability Commission
Daniel O’Keefe, Former Board Chair, Mitchell Hamline School of Law
Ashley Pattain, Minnetonka Sustainability Commission
John Powers, Minnetonka Planning Commission
Laurie Pryor, State Representative, House District 48A
Rebecca Schack, Minnetonka City Council Ward 2
Josh Sewell, Minnetonka Planning Commission
Ann Johnson Stewart, State Senator, Senate District 44
Emily Wallace-Jackson, Hopkins Legislative Action Coalition
David Waterman, Minnetonka Planning Commission
Lori Weissman, Minnetonka Charter Commission
Bob Ellingson, Former Minnetonka City Council
Ellen Dustman, Former Hopkins School Board
Steve Elkins, State Representative 49B
Melisa Franzen, State Senator Senate District 49
John Gunyou, Three Rivers Parks District Board Chair, former City Manager
Alex Hanson, Minnetonka Planning Commission
Cheryl Youakim, State Representative House District 46B
Stan Berris, Former Hopkins School Board
Patricia Baker, Minnetonka Senior Advisory Board
Melissa Johnston, Minnetonka EDA Vice Chair
Maria Ruud, Former State Rep. (48A)
John Northrup, Minnetonka Charter Commission Chair
Greta Beck, Minnetonka Sustainability Commission
Edwin Avalos, Minnetonka Sustainability Commission
Shep Harris, Mayor of Golden Valley
Tony Wagner, Former Minnetonka City Council
Yvonne Selcer, Former State Representative 48A
Michael Cohn, Resident
Molly Ekstrand, Resident
Jim and Janice Fallon, Residents
Sheila and Tim Gothmann, Residents
Claudia Gundlach and Larry Peterson, Residents
Ben Marks, Resident
Annette Bertelsen, Resident
Kit Bix, Resident
Sandy Brandt, Resident
Bonnie Flood, Resident
Mary O’Brien, Resident
Judith Elkins, Resident
Debra O’Connor, Resident
David Altrowitz, Resident
Michael Kurus, Resident
Evy Engrav, Resident
Mary McKee, Resident
Steve Suppan, Resident
Judi Gleeman, Resident
Kevin Hanstad, Resident
Mark & Christie Heiberg, Residents
Patricia Gau, Resident
Patti Sinykin, Resident
Patricia Coldwell, Resident
Nancy Gooch, Resident
Julianne Spargo, Resident
Paula Ramaley, Resident
Christie Boeder, Resident
Ardis Wexler, Supporter
Cheryl Flugaur-Leavitt, Supporter